
Watershed Restoration Plans

Page history last edited by Katie Eiring Steele 8 years, 8 months ago


 A Watershed Restoration Plan (WRP) is a tool developed and designed to help a watershed group plan for and implement restoration activities in their watershed. A WRP is a living document that once developed should be reviewed and reworked, if appropriate, about once every five years.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires nine minimum elements for WRPs. These elements should ensure a WRP will be as complete and thorough as possible in order to ensure successful restoration planning in a watershed.  


      Nine Minimum Elements At A Glance:

  1. Identify causes and sources of pollution
  2. Estimate pollutant loading into the watershed and expected load reductions 
  3. Describe the management measures to acheive load reductions in targeted areas
  4. Estimate of the amounts of technical and financial assistance
  5. Develop an information/education component
  6. Schedule for implementing the NPS management measures
  7. Description of interim, measurable milestones
  8. Identify indicators to measure progress over time 
  9. Monitoring component




Useful WRP Documents:


          *Presentation runs best in Google Chrome




   In order to receive 319 funding, EPA requires a WRP.  Projects can be funded if they occur in an area where there is a WRP that has already been accepted, otherwise one needs to be written.  



DEQ Accepted WRPs (Map)






WRPs in Development

  • Flathead/ Flathead CD 
  • Madison River/ Madison CD
  • Upper Jefferson/ Jefferson River Watershed Council
  • St.Regis/ Trout Unlimited 






For more information on WRPs in Montana please contact Robert Ray at 444-5319. 

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